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地区销售经理 - 快速检测



1. 根据全国市场策略,带领销售团队完成销售目标;
Lead the sales team to achieve the sales target according to the national marketing strategy.
2. 收集产品的市场信息,与上级主管共同制定并执行所辖区域、产品的市场推广与销售计划
Collect market information of the product , work with the supervisor to develop and implement marketing and sales plan.
3. 组织协调资源,完成公司下达的销售、市场、公关、服务等工作目标;
Organize and coordinate resources to achieve the sales, marketing, public relations and service goals.
4. 帮助团队成员完成各自区域内经销商队伍建设和VIP客户的队伍建设,为销售增量提供助力;
Assist the team members to complete the team building of dealers and VIP customers in their respective regions, and provide assistance for the sales increment.
5. 主动与公司物流部门,人事部门和财务部门,技术部门等支持部门沟通和协调,提供对销售团队的支持保障;
Proactively communicate and coordinate with logistics, HR, finance, technical and other support departments to provide support for the sales team.
6. 积极完成公司和主管布置的工作任务。
Actively complete the tasks assigned by the company and supervisor.
1、 有生物/临床医学/医学检验,或相关专业背景,本科以上学历;
College degree or above with education background of biological/clinical medicine/medical examination, or related qualification.
2、 3年以上相关市场和销售工作经验和团队管理经验(临床检验类产品销售经验者优先);
At least 3 years relevant marketing and sales experience and team management experience(clinical examination is preferred).
Good at learning and innovative
Good communication skills, executive ability, honest and willing to work.




  • 上海
  • 1000-9999人
  • 生物制药
  • 外企
  • 不需要融资
雅培始终致力于帮助人们生活得更加美好。我们带来改变生命的前沿科技和产品,缔造医疗健康的未来。我们的创新产品帮助人们改善健康、强健体魄、快速诊疗,助力人们回归到所热爱的生活中。 公司的全球总部位于芝加哥,领先的产品和服务遍及医疗器械、诊断、营养品、药品等领域。雅培全球109,000名员工,每天助力160多个国家和地区的千百万人获得健康,拥有更美好的生活。 我们植根中国超过30年,拥有4家工厂,3家研发中心,1家客户体验中心,1家培训中心。我们在中国拥有超过6,000多名员工, 总部位于上海,连续10年荣膺“中国杰出雇主”,致力于帮助人们活得健康,活出精彩。 About Abbott At Abbott, we’re dedicated to helping people live more fully, in everything we do. We’re creating the future of healthcare through life-changing technologies and products that make you healthier and stronger, quickly identify when you have a medical need, and treat conditions to help you get back to doing what you love. With global headquarters in Chicago, we serve people in more than 160 countries with leading medical devices, diagnostics, nutrition products and branded generic medicines. 109,000 of us are helping millions of people to live better and healthier every day around the world. In China, we’ve been helping people live fully for more than 30 years. We have 4 manufacturing sites, 3 R&D centers,1 customer experience center, 1 training center. Abbott has more than 6,000 employees in China, headquartered in Shanghai. Abbott has been certified “Top Employer” in China for consecutive 10 years, helping people live healthy, live fully.