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MES 工程师



• 三年以上MES或相关系统的实施和维护经验
3+ years’ experience of deployment and maintenance of MES or other related system.
• 三年以上的制造业IT项目管理及系统开发经验
3+ years’ experience of project management and system development
• 两年以上制药行业或GMP环境的工作经验
2 + years’ experience of working in a GMP environment.
• 三年以上计算机系统验证经验
2+ years’ experience of computer system validation
• 良好沟通能力
Good communication skill
• 良好的人际沟通能力
Good inter-personal skills
• 良好的自我控制能力和时间管理技巧
Self-motivated and good time-management skills
Safety & Quality
• 了解并遵守安全文化,建立安全心态,并遵循公司和现场的安全历程。
Understand and remain compliant with safety culture, build safety mindset, and follow company & site safety journey.
• *遵守HSE各项管理流程,履行安全生产职责要求。
Follow various HSE management procedures and fulfill the work safety responsibilities.
• 在其工作区域内遵守GMP和数据完整性标准,并严格遵循质量标准以确保其日常工作合规
Stay compliant with GMP and data integrity standards in their working area, and strictly follow the quality standards to ensure compliance in their daily working
• 保持100%的培训效果
Maintain 100% training effectiveness
Business Support/Account Management
• 深入理解项目目标、业务流程和业务战略,能够在规定时间内按要求确保项目顺利交付。
Thoroughly understands project goals, business processes, and business strategies, ensuring project delivery as required within the specified timeframe.
• 拥有制造操作方面的专业知识,熟悉PMX或其他类似MES系统及其相关的基础设施网络和硬件,并能够在流程中有效应用MES系统。
Possesses expertise in manufacturing operations, proficient in PMX or other MES systems and their associated infrastructure, including networks and hardware, and effectively applies MES systems in processes.
• 有软件系统特别是MES开发的相关经验,熟悉包括需求分析与调研、系统架构设计、开发与集成、测试与验证、部署与维护在内的系统开发流程。
Experienced in software system development, particularly in MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems), and familiar with the entire development process including requirements analysis and research, system architecture design, development and integration, testing and validation, deployment, and maintenance.
• 熟悉数据库模式,包括表、关系和索引,以确保高效的数据存储和检索。
Proficient in designing database schemas, including tables, relationships, and indexes to ensure efficient data storage and retrieval.
• 拥有精益的MFG知识,能够主动产生想法并加以实施。
Have Lean MFG knowledge, be able to proactively generate ideas and implement it to accelerate site lean agenda.
• 了解业务流程,与跨职能团队进行对话,并能够部署或不断改进IT解决方案,以便利用IT技术来帮助提高生产力。这可以通过创新IT新方案或增强现有IT解决方案来完成。
Understand business process, drive the conversation with cross function team and be able to deploy or continuously improve IT solution in order to leverage IT technology to help improve productivity. This could be done either by innovating new IT initiatives or enhance existing IT solutions.
• 能根据主管的要求完成其他相关工作任务。
Complete other related tasks as required by the supervisor.
Project Management
• 拥有卓越的项目管理能力,能够制定详细的项目计划,协调各类资源,并有效监督项目任务的执行能,包括定义项目计划,协调项目资源以及监督项目任务执行等。
Strong project management skills, including the ability to develop detailed project plans, coordinate various resources, and effectively oversee the execution of project tasks.
• 参与IT和业务项目以有效实施IT解决方案
Involved in line 2 project to implement IT solutions effectively.
Computer System Validation
• 领导符合GMP和礼来质量标准和惯例的IT项目的验证活动。
Leads validation activity for IT project complying with GMP and Lilly Quality Standards and Practices.
• 写入CSV文件以确保高质量的计算机系统
Write CSV document to ensure high quality computer system
• 不断改进CSV并确保IT解决方案准备好进行检查,包括系统和验证。代表IT向审核员解释与IT系统相关的问题。
Continuously improve CSV and make sure IT solution is ready for inspection including both the system and the validation. Represent IT to explain IT system related questions to the auditors.






  • 苏州
  • 1000-9999人
  • 健康管理机构
  • 外企
  • 不需要融资
礼来于1918年来到中国,并将其第一个海外代表处设在上海,从而迈出了全球化的第一步。几经风雨历练,礼来于1993年重返中国。目前,作为全球第二大分支机构,礼来中国拥有员工约3600人,目前公司业务已经深入到中国近四百个城市,包括一座苏州工厂,并于2018年,成立礼来中国创新合作中心,旨在更快地推进新药开发。 礼来坚持不断创新,追求卓越和高品质制造,本着“植根中国,造福中国”的理念,致力于成为中国医疗保健领域的主要战略伙伴,基于“诚信至上,追求卓越,以人为本”的价值观,尽全力为中国人民提供高质量的药品,挽救患者生命,提高大众的生活品质。