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Job Description
Communicating and developing relationships with clients
Developing moderator guides and designing surveys
Developing and managing project schedules and budgets
Formulating analysis plans
Scheduling and coordinating internal and external resources
Overseeing project fieldwork and reviewing data quality
Design and field primary qualitative research
Coordinate all aspects of participant recruitment, including invitations and follow-up
Write discussion guides/screeners
Ability to independently analyze and prepare reports
Strong PowerPoint and analytical skills and an ability to tell compelling stories from data
Comfortable with occasionally presenting research findings both to internal teams and formally to senior & executive client stakeholders
Partner with and provide guidance to PMs, Junior & Senior Researchers on market research best practice
As a part on the management team, actively participate in inter- company strategies, such as business strategy, talent development and capability building

Knowledge & Experience
Master degree
5 years or above working experience in market research industry
Healthcare / pharmaceutical experience would is desirable
Excellent organizational skills with a particular focus upon managing details
A creative analytical approach, with the ability to manage detailed business analysis and research
Supervise report development, think critically about potential solutions, and participate in the team’s discussion and interview analysis
Business requirement – management, leadership, research, analysis, marketing and strategy development experience
Confidence in meetings and presentations to senior executives from top MNCs
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Complete fluency in Chinese and English language
Willingness to travel to conduct interviews with healthcare stakeholders across China
A methodical approach, combined with creativity, entrepreneurship, determination and persistence – innovation driven




  • 北京
  • 1000-9999人
  • 医药辅料
  • 外企
  • 不需要融资
益普索集团益普索集团成立于1975年,总部设在巴黎,是全球前三的市场研究集团。益普索集团全球 88个国家拥有下属公司,全球专职人员超过16450人,业务广泛涉及到各主要研究活动领域。 益普索中国益普索于2000年进入中国,已成为中国最大的个案研究公司,在中国大陆的上海、北京、广州、深圳、成都、武汉等6个城市设有办公室。益普索专注于战略咨询、商务咨询、定性研究,市场策略及消费者理解 、社媒资讯分析、创新研究、品牌健康追踪、客户体验管理、企业及意见领袖声誉、用户体验、创意评估、质量管理、神秘客、数据采集、新车诊断、医疗健康等多个领域。服务范围涵盖了快消、母婴、金融、汽车、通讯、医药保健、地产、泛娱乐、互联网与新科技、教育和旅游等诸多行业。益普索不断在市场研究领域进行专业能力的提升,同时基于瞬息变化的市场环境,全面从数据获取、洞察提供、数据平台和顾问咨询等四个方面进行颠覆式创新,建立“数据-洞察-行动”的闭环。除提供洞察以外,着力打造以洞察为指导的顾客体验优化及精准营销服务,以成为科技驱动的市场营销服务商。