阿斯利康投资(中国)有限公司 阿斯利康是全球领先制药公司之一,总部位于英国伦敦,研发总部位于瑞典,在全球设有11个研发中心、31个生产基地,产品销售覆盖100多个国家和地区,在心血管、消化、呼吸、麻醉、肿瘤和中枢神经领域处于领先地位。 阿斯利康中国创新中心位于上海张江,是阿斯利康在中国最新建立的癌症药物研发中心,致力于寻求灵感创意,研制安全有效的癌症药物,探索挽救生命的方法,将之带给广大亚洲患者。这些灵感来自于我们的优秀员工。所以我们始终坚持聘用最优秀的员工加入我们的队伍。 阿斯利康中国创新中心 (Innovation Center China) With a commitment on turning good ideas into innovative, effective medicines for many unmet health needs, AstraZeneca is establishing a global research center in Shanghai, China: the Innovation Center China (ICC). The initial research area for ICC will be cancer research, with focus on translational science by developing knowledge about Chinese patients, discovering biomarkers for personalized medical needs and better understanding drug mechanisms of action for targeted therapies. As a newly established global research center, ICC provides many excellent scientific research opportunities in a highly stimulating, diverse scientific environment and a competitive career development path. ICC offers competitive salaries, compensation and benefits programs.